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Sergiy Grushko Co-Founder

Sergiy Grushko
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MyBookNet Pro

Name: MyBooknet Pro

My startup in a nutshell 

With MyBookNet Pro, we empower authors to publish their books in their native language and seamlessly reach global audiences. Using advanced AI translations, authors can instantly make their works available for readers in multiple languages across our network of local services.   

Our Team: 

Sergiy Grushko (CEO)

Ivan Artamonov (CTO) + 4 developers

Ruslan Volynets (CFO)

Yeugen Petrushin (business development) + 3 team members


Our Founding Story: 

Our project is an evolution of our existing project, Booknet. We have long been involved in self-publishing portals in various languages, and with the advent of high-quality AI models, we realized that the time has come for a new level of self-publishing. That's why we are launching MyBooknet Pro.


This is how our business idea transforms the content industry: 

Our platform enables authors to publish and translate their works across multiple languages effortlessly. By leveraging AI-powered translations, writers can reach a global audience without language barriers. Local authors, like a Polish fantasy writer or a Vietnamese young adult novelist, can now have their books read worldwide, from Italy to Mexico. This not only expands their readership but also democratizes access to diverse literature, bridging cultural gaps and increasing potential income for authors from smaller markets.


We were drawn to CONTENTshift due to its focus on fostering innovation in the content industry and its strong presence in the German market, which is both interesting and substantial. The programme offers invaluable mentorship, networking opportunities, and resources that are crucial for our growth. We see CONTENTshift as a platform to accelerate our development, refine our strategies, and expand our reach, ultimately transforming the way literature is shared and consumed globally. Sergiy Grushko YouTube Video Einbinden

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