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Jochen Adler Founder

Jochen Adler
© Privat

Name: Kompreno

My startup in a nutshell:A balanced information diet from trusted sources, with no fakes, hallucinations or even language barriers: kompreno gathers premium journalism from all over Europe, making it available all in one place. Tailored for relevance and translated, also into English.

Unser Team: 

  • Jochen Adler, Gründer, CEO und Partnerschaften / Founder, CEO and Partnerships 

  • Paul Maibach, CTO und Produkt / CTO and Product

  • Giuseppe Menditto, CCO und Inhalte / CCO and Content

Our Founding Story: 

Inspiration with no boundaries: We were just waiting for the technical capabilities to catch up with our vision.

This is how our business idea transforms the content industry: 

Language technology, translation and „artificial intelligence“ are enabling new kinds of partnerships and creating a borderless domestic market for high-quality content.


Fake news and disinformation are among the biggest threats to our freedom and wealth. Our offering intends to contribute to solutions, and we are honored to be among the CONTENTshift finalists. As career changers in the media industry, we will benefit greatly from visibility, coaching and mentoring. Jochen Adler
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