For many years now, I’ve been very interested in discovering how new media can contribute to making the learning process more fun, emotional and successful. CONTENTshift offers the opportunity to exchange with fellow industry colleagues as well as startups. This provides me with a chance to gain new perspectives and sources of inspiration. I’m looking forward to gaining even more key impulses for the entire Thieme company in its other strategic areas. Dr. Bettina Hansen
The Thieme Publishing Group is one of the largest STM publishers in the German-speaking area and boasts a broad strategic field. Its main areas of business are:
Electronic media continue to occupy an ever-increasing space in all fields within our publishing group.
Dr. Bettina Hansen is deputy director at Georg Thieme publishers. She is a physician, publishing manager and systemic organisational consultant. For many years, she has been dealing with didactic subjects and target groups in education.