
Meinhard Benn SatoshiPay

Meinhard Benn
© privat
United Kingdom

My Startup and Me

When people ask me what I do for a living I reply:
I am the founder of a company that offers a solution for easy payment of digital goods on the internet.

If I wanted to explain my business model to my grandmother I would say:
Just like with printed newspapers the internet has paid and free issues. We help paid websites with their billing and charge a small fee for our service.

My idea will change the content industry because...
…we simplify the payment for content. Just as buying a small item at a kiosk, it is going to become normal to quickly pay a small sum for good journalistic work - without the need to fill out long annoying forms or remembering passwords.
My motivation

My work makes me happy when…
…I make visible progress and customers give me great feedback.

To be able to work well I need…
…changing challenges, a focused work environment and a communicative team.

My experiences

My best experience until now:
1. It is much more interesting for the founder and the team to create something completely new than to just adapt to an already existing business idea with small modifications.
2. You should know your co-founders very well and you should have worked with them before.
3. It is OK to question your business idea from time to time and to re-adjust it.

Never again I would…
…incorporate a business without invasting my own savings.

When I meet investors I…
…am going to make sure that our corporate phase, our technological and geographical scope as well as our capital needs match their investment criterias. Also the personal chemistry needs to be right.

The future

When I overcome the next obstacle,…
…I am already out looking for the next ;) Our next challenge is the growth of our business since our business model can only work if we cooperate with as many publishers as possible.

If everything happens as planned now, in five years my company will…
*pulls out business plan*… have more than twenty employees, thousands of customers around the world and monthly turnover of several million euros.

If I had a free wish…
…it would be the adoption of a regulation for online advertising. In many cases the advertising industry clearly crosses the line, which pushes users towards adblockers.

In ten years content will be…
…distributed and consumed entirely digitally via a decentralised cloud infrastructure. Paper editions will continue to exist for aficionados, similar to vinyl discs. Magazines, books, the web and apps will merge into one personal medium. Good content and not the medium itself will have priority. The price for digital content will be according to production and distribution costs plus a margin, and will therefore be significantly lower than now. Billing will conveniently take place in the background so the consumer won’t be bothered with unnecessary micromanagement. SatoshiPay will make a considerable contribution to this.

You can also find us here
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