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Dr. Florian Sochatzy mBook - Institut für digitales Lernen

Dr. Florian Sochatzy
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Institut für digitales Lernen

My Startup and Me

When people ask me what I do for a living I reply:
I am shareholder and CEO of the Institute for Digital Learning. The institute develops, produces and distributes multimedia school books for the subject history – other subjects are planned. 

If I wanted to explain my business model to my grandmother I would say:
We produce and sell school books which can not be touched. It seems almost incredible that you can make a living with that…

My idea will change the content industry because...
…we demonstrate clearly that multimedia school books have a real added value which is highly needed if we want to transfer education into the 21st century. A printed, static and therefore almost always outdated book, which can not be individualized, is hardly a solution. We connect the advantages of school books with the opportunities of the digital world – from content to distribution.  

My motivation

My work makes me happy when…
…pupils tell me that their attitude towards school has changed positively because of our services.

To be able to work well I need…
…my excellent team, which combines competence at all levels: editing, animation, graphic, audio, video, marketing and IT.

My experiences

My best experience until now:
1. Digital change of the field of education is possible but exhausting.
2. To stop having old ideas, one has to break down the old structures.
3. High-end content can only be formed, if all involved parties at all levels have an answer to the question “Why do you implement this content with this media?”

Never again would I…
…waste my time with people or institutions, which don’t want to acknowledge or want to prevent the digital change of our environment.

When I meet investors I…
… I will tell them that the education market is on the verge of a disruption.

The future

When I overcome the next obstacle,…
 …we are going to prepare ourselves for the next cradle but one.

If everything happens as planned now, in five years my company will…
…have become a well-known premium provider for multimedia school books.

If I had a free wish…
…I would wish for more volition of various actors to optimize and change education in general. The digital revolution is not an option, its reality.

In ten years content will be…
…designed, produced and distributed according to the rules of a digital world.

You can also find us here
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